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Greed is Dead by: Paul Collier / John Kay Publisher: Shanghai Joint Publishing Company

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「Content Introduction」
We live in a society full of selfishness and materialism. How can we say that "greed is dead"?
Forty years ago, the concept of "economic man" and individualism were in the ascendant in the West. People were seen as naturally profit-seeking animals, and each individual would strive for his own interests for self-realization. At the same time, people believed that "economic man" could obtain all the knowledge needed to understand the world; with the proper use of this knowledge, the country could achieve good governance and the people could achieve happiness. Greed, all forms of greed - greed for knowledge, wealth, and prosperity, were considered the driving force behind human progress.
Decades later, a financial crisis and a pandemic completely changed everything. The arrogant concept of "economic man" collapsed: the knowledge humans possessed was not enough to cope with huge uncertainties. With deepening inequality and extreme individualism, society was seriously torn apart. The path of progress opened up by the spirit of greed has reached a dead end.
In this book, economists Paul Collier and John Kay review the political, economic and commercial development of the post-war West from the perspective of communitarianism, focusing on the two intertwined themes of extreme uncertainty and social cohesion, and explore the source and solution of the turmoil in today's world. They propose that we need to clarify the roles and relationships of the state, market and community, regain the social attributes of human beings, and restore the functions of the community in order to overcome difficulties together.
「Editor's Recommendation」
★ Two outstanding economists jointly created a book to reflect on how individualism leads human society into a trap of polarization and division.
This book was co-written by two outstanding British economists, Paul Collier and John Kay. It analyzes the individualism prevalent in contemporary times, the related ideological traditions and the social and economic behaviors they trigger, and why it has become the culprit for the increasing gap between the rich and the poor and the polarization and division of human society.
★ Re-examine the conceptual tradition behind individualism and interrogate the key concepts in contemporary thought
The two authors review the ideological tradition behind the rise of individualism, and critically analyze the concepts that are hotly debated in contemporary society, such as "rational economic man", property rights, performance-based systems, identity recognition, and rights discourse under this tradition, as well as their changes and deviations as the times evolve.
★ Detailed account of the rise and fall of post-war Western welfare states and the political, policy and conceptual factors behind them, tracing back to the origins of today's world
The author tells the rise and fall of post-war Western welfare states from the perspectives of changes in political situations, policy guidelines, and changes in concepts brought about by the prevalence of the performance-based system, and explains how the prosperous and equal Western society after the war gradually became what it is today.
★ The communitarian initiative from economists attempts to awaken people's social attributes with a pragmatic action plan
The two economists stand on the standpoint of communitarianism, and with the help of the communitarian elements in the thoughts of many philosophers, they explain the social nature of human beings from a philosophical perspective. At the same time, combined with specific examples of economics, they point out the feasibility and urgency of advocating communitarianism in today's world, and call for joint action and cooperation among mankind.
About the Author
Paul Collier is a famous British economist, professor of economics and public policy at Oxford University, former director of the World Bank's Development Research Department, and advisor to the British government. He has won the Lionel Gilbert Award, the Klingner International Book Award, the Arthur Ross Book Award, the Estoril Global Affairs Outstanding Book Award, etc. He has written "The Bottom Billion", "War, Guns, and Votes", "The Future of Capitalism", etc. He was named one of the "Top 100 Global Thinkers" by Foreign Policy magazine in 2010 and 2011.
John Kay, a British economist, is the first dean of Said Business School at Oxford University. He is currently a visiting professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, a professor at London Business School, an honorary fellow of St. John's College, Oxford University, a fellow of the British Academy, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He has written many books, including "Extreme Uncertainty" and "The Truth of Markets".

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