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"The Origin of Contemporary Literature" Author: Wang Wenxing, Pai Hsien-yung, Yu Guangzhong, Chen Yingzhen, Yang Mu, etc. Publisher: Lian Jing Publishing Company

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The first book in Taiwan's literary history that fully records the story and causes of the founding, suspension, resumption, suspension, and re-publication of Modern Literature magazine
38 writers share their experiences with magazines

Ten additional articles, including a letter from Pai Hsien-yung to Xia Jian'an in 1959 and Xia Jian'an's "Greeting" which has never been published, are included in the book, and the title of the book is written by Ms. Dong Yang-zi, winner of the Executive Yuan Cultural Award, which is a classic reproduction to comment on the era.

Now there is no "school" or "style" to imitate, so you can only rely on your own ability to explore and create. You may become a "school" or create a "style", and there may be people who are not competitive and will imitate you after you. Since you cannot imitate now, you can only create. Needless to say, your responsibility is heavy and your work is arduous. -- Xia Jian

This magazine brought together young elites to spread the May Fourth Movement, spreading democracy and science, the seeds of modernization, with a wide and far-reaching influence. I am not saying that some other excellent publications did not do this, but some other excellent publications did not do it as early and seriously as "Modern Literature". —— Bai Yang

"The Origin of Modern Literature" collects the recollections of Modern Literature writers. These articles are very touching because they are written with sincerity. They describe the beginning and end of their personal relationship with this magazine, but in common, everyone has a reluctant lingering memory for the long-gone youth years. -- Pai Hsien-yung

Like almost all of my friends who were involved in the founding, suspension, and resumption of Modern Literature, we all had the same expectation for the modern spirit of new literature. So over a long period of time, they and I focused on this publication, questioning, caring for, encouraging, and comforting each other. -- Yang Mu

Looking back at "Modern Literature", it seems that it was destined to be a "new" magazine. A group of young students participated in it, and then left to embark on their own more mature paths. Therefore, "Modern Literature" symbolizes the youth of many people during that period of time. —— Ke Qingming

Modern Literature is one of the most important literary magazines in the history of Taiwanese literature. On March 5, 1960, the first issue of Modern Literature was published, initiated by Pai Hsien-yung, Ouyangzi, Chen Ruoxi, Wang Wenxing and others from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature at National Taiwan University, with the cover designed by Zhang Xianxu and the editorial written by Liu Shaoming. This created a legendary page in the history of Taiwanese literature and broadened the literary horizons of many Taiwanese writers and readers.

"Modern Literature" magazine is committed to discovering new writers and aims to study and promote the latest literary writing techniques. On the one hand, it translates Western modernist literary works such as the works and theories of Kafka, Faulkner, Hemingway, Joyce, Lawrence, Camus, Eliot, etc., and on the other hand, it publishes a large number of short stories, essays and other works, creating many poets and novelists who are still standing in the literary world today, such as Wang Zhenhe, Shi Shuqing, Huang Chunming, Chen Yingzhen, Qi Dengsheng, Li Ang... etc. It has made a very great contribution to Taiwanese literature and is a key publication leading the trend of modernism in Taiwan. It has a landmark significance in driving the progress of modern literature in Taiwan in the 1960s.

During the 13 years of publication, Modern Literature changed its editors constantly, and it changed from a bimonthly to a quarterly. After the 51st issue in September 1973, it was announced to be discontinued due to funding problems. In July 1977, Shen Dengen, the head of Yuanjing Publishing House, supported the resumption of Modern Literature, and it was discontinued again after the 22nd issue in May 1984. In December 1991, Qiu Yanming, who was working at the United Daily News and United Literature magazines at the time, was impressed by the influence of Modern Literature magazine in the history of Taiwanese literature and planned to reprint Modern Literature magazine. He compiled a chronology of major events and an index of works of writers who had published articles in Modern Literature magazine. At the same time, he invited editors and writers who had been related to Modern Literature magazine to write and record their memories and past events when editing the magazine, submitting articles, and proofreading. As a result, the 51 issues of the magazine before the re-publication became 19 volumes of hardcover bound books, published and distributed by Xianwen Publishing House. "The Origin of Modern Literature" was originally published with the reprint of "Modern Literature". It was one of the volumes in the set and was not sold separately. After a long time of searching, it has been out of print. Now it is re-edited and published to bear witness to the times and leave a beautiful literary mark.

Authors of this book (arranged by the number of strokes of their surnames):
Sanmao, Crystal, Wang Wenxing, Wang Zhenhe, Pai Hsien-yung, Zhu Xining, He Xin, Yu Guangzhong, Li Ang, Li Li, Li Oufan, Du Guoqing, Xin Yu, Lin Qingxuan, Lin Huaimin, Yao Yiwei, Shi Shuqing, Bo Yang, Ke Qingming, Xia Zhiqing, Xia Jian, Xi Song, Jing Ji, Zhang Cuo, Chen Yuhang, Chen Yingzhen, Chen Ruoxi, Yang Mu, Yip Weilian, Rongzi, Liu Daren, Liu Shaoming, Ouyangzi, Zheng Shusen, Dai Tian, ​​Zhong Ling, Congsu, Luo Men

About the Author

About the Editor

Bai Xianyong

Born in Nanning, Guangxi in 1937, his father was Bai Chongxi, a senior general of the Kuomintang. He was deeply influenced by Chinese classical novels and the "May Fourth" new literature works when he was in elementary and middle school. In 1956, he was recommended to the Department of Water Conservancy Engineering of National Cheng Kung University. In 1957, he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Literature of National Taiwan University, where he met Professor Xia Jian, and from then on, he established his literary life. In 1958, he published his first novel, "Grandma Jin". In 1960, he founded the magazine "Modern Literature" with Chen Ruoxi, Ouyangzi and others, and published many novels such as "Moon Dream", "Sister Yuqing" and "Graduation". After graduation, he went to the United States to obtain a master's degree in literary creation from the "International Writers' Workshop" of the University of Iowa. He later taught at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and retired in 1994.

Pai Hsien-yung absorbed the writing skills of Western modern literature and integrated them into traditional Chinese expressions, describing the stories and lives of people in the transitional eras, which are full of the rise and fall of history and the vicissitudes of life. He has been praised as "the most talented and accomplished short story writer in contemporary China" and "the prodigy of contemporary Chinese short stories". In the past ten years, he has been involved in the production and promotion of Kunqu opera. He was the chief producer of the 2004 youth version of "The Peony Pavilion" and the 2008 new version of "The Jade Hairpin". He also opened Kunqu opera courses at Peking University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and National Taiwan University.

He has written short stories such as "Lonely Seventeen Years Old", "Taipei People", and "New Yorkers", novel "Bad Son", essay collections "Looking Back Suddenly", "Star Cafe", "The Sixth Finger", "The Tree Still Is Like This", stage play script "Dream in the Garden", film scripts "The Last Night of Madame Jin", "Sister Yuqing", "Lonely Flower", "The Last Nobleman", etc. He also has books such as "Collection of Works by Pai Hsien-yung", "Father and the Republic of China: Photo Album of General Bai Chongxi", "Peony Love: Pai Hsien-yung's Journey to Kunqu Opera", "Pain Relief and Injury Treatment + Critical Sixteen Days: General Bai Chongxi and the February 28 Incident", and "Pai Hsien-yung's Detailed Account of the Dream of the Red Chamber".


Letter from Bai Xianyong to Xia Jinan (1959)
Congratulatory speech by Xia Jian
[First Collection] Anthology of Essays Commemorating the Re-publication of Modern Literature in 1991 <br data-mce-fragment="1">I Don’t Believe That Youth Can’t Be Called Back – Written Before the Publication of Modern Literature / The Historical Background and Spiritual Outlook of the Founding of Modern Literature by Pai Hsien-yung – Written Before the Re-publication of Modern Literature / Pai Hsien-yung’s Modern Literature and Me / Two or Three Things about Yao Yiwei’s Modern Literature / He Xin How Many Heroes There Were – A Brief Account of My Relationship with Modern Literature / Yu Kuang-chung’s Short-lived Youth! Eternal Literature? / Ke Qingming's efforts and achievements in Modern Literature - also about my relationship with the magazine / Xia Zhiqing's memories of modern literature / Wang Wenxing's Modern Literature and me / Ouyangzi's "Modern Literature" and me / Yip Weilian's "disgrace" and "reputation" / Dai Tian's Modern Literature and me / Du Guoqing's twenty-seven years ago / Wang Zhenhe's twenty-eight years in a snap - recalling the days of Modern Literature's self-inflicted suffering / Chen Ruoxi's year in the army / Lin Huaimin's relationship with literature / Xi Song's ups and downs / Shui Jing's little connection with me / Zhu Xining's dream / Li Ang's youthful journey - Modern Literature Modern Literature and Me / Li Li Those Days / Jing Ji's Leopard Transformation - Talking about My Relationship with Modern Literature / Melancholy Memories - Commemorating the 27th Anniversary of the Founding of Modern Literature / Rong Zi My Views on Modern Literature - It Has Become the Main Line for the Development of Chinese Modern Literature / Luo Men The Youth of Our Generation / Chen Yingzhen Modern Literature and Me / Zheng Shusen Looking Back Suddenly / Sanmao's Barren Days / Shi Shuqing's Fish Fragrance / Liu Daren's Nostalgia / Zhang Cuo Modern Literature is the Sunshine on the Snowy Field / Zhong Lingyi G String Single Note / Yang Mu Me and Modern Literature / Cong Su
[Second Collection] 1980 Special articles commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of "Modern Literature" <br data-mce-fragment="1">At the age of twenty - commemorating the 20th anniversary of "Modern Literature" / Pai Hsien-yung's veteran's tribute - written for the 20th anniversary of "Modern Literature" / Yao Yiwei Joy, blessing, hope / Leaping on the rope of Bai Yang - the dilemma of modern people (written for the 20th anniversary of "Modern Literature") / The twinkling of an eye / Dai Tian The 20th anniversary of "Modern Literature" - remembering Zhang Xianxu / Li Oufan's coming-of-age ceremony - remembering the 20th anniversary tea party of the founding of "Modern Literature" / Lin Qingxuan's notes The hunt for youth / Chen Yuhang
[Volume 3] A special article commemorating the resumption of publication of "Modern Literature" in 1977 A review and outlook of "Modern Literature" / Pai Hsien-yung recalls the founding of "Modern Literature" / Ouyangzi [Volume 4] A special article on the compilation of "Modern Literature" novels by Ouyangzi in 1976 A letter to Ouyangzi / Wang Wenxing A milestone / Chen Ruoxi
Pai Hsien-yung's baby / Liu Shaoming Who wants to start "Modern Literature"? / Chen Ruoxi's memories of "Modern Literature" - the source of funds for "Modern Literature" / Pai Hsien-yung on the financial and general affairs of "Modern Literature" during its founding period / Ouyangzi
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