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"Justice Ginsburg" Author: [US] Jane Sheron DeHart Publisher: CITIC Press

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Ginsburg, the second female Supreme Court justice in U.S. history, died of illness on September 18, 2020, attracting global attention and widespread coverage. This is not only because of Ginsburg's outstanding contributions throughout her life, but also because of the profound impact of her judicial stance on the American political landscape and social movements. Ginsburg is an outstanding jurist, judge, lawyer, and a pioneer of American feminism. Faced with the inertia of history, social prejudices, and the constraints of precedents, she overcame all obstacles and, through her personal actions, rewrote the history of American justice step by step, changed the status of American women, and made extraordinary contributions to the equal rights of other marginalized groups in society. Ginsburg is a representative of judicial justice. Her tenacious and legendary life has made her a national idol and cultural symbol, widely respected and admired. At the same time, Ginsburg has also been criticized by people with different political views for her clear stance and "dissent", and is at the forefront of the times.
This book combines 15 years of long-term research and interviews to record Ginsburg's life in detail in chronological order. With the insight of a historian and fluent writing, it shows the changes in American society and judicial mechanisms, and how her life experiences shaped Ginsburg's personality and lifelong beliefs in the process. As a female Jewish Supreme Court justice, Ginsburg has become an unprecedented idol of the times that young people are vying to pursue. Her pursuit of judicial justice has eventually become a social spirit that will last forever.
About the Author
Jane Sherron De Hart
Professor Emeritus of History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Winner of the American Political Science Association’s Victoria Schuck Award, for his research on gender, politics, and policy in the United States in the 20th century.
Table of contents · · · · · ·
Preface to the Chinese Edition III
Preface to American Idol IX
Part 1: Ruth's Growth
Chapter 1 Celia's Daughter 003
Chapter 2 University and Love 032
Chapter 3 Making a Difference in the Boys' Territory059
Chapter 4: Advancing in the Unknown 084
Chapter 5: Feminist Fighters 112
Chapter 6 Seizing Opportunities 132
Part II: Struggle
Chapter 7 Breakthrough 159
Chapter 8 Building a Team and Developing a Strategy 173
Part 3: Soldiers will be stopped
Chapter 9 Missed Opportunity 193
Chapter 10 "Small Leap Forward" 213
Chapter 11 Setbacks 236
Part 4: Moving Forward
Chapter 12 Back on Track 253
Chapter 13: Moving Forward in the Changing Political Situation 274
Part 5 Justice Ginsburg
Chapter 14 Suspense 301
Chapter 15 107th Justice 329
Chapter 16 Mother of Military Academy 357
Chapter 17 "I Don't Agree" 381
Part 6: Perseverance
Chapter 18: Holding on to the Green Mountains 411
Chapter 19 Farewell to the Lover and Lead the Minority Forward 442
Chapter 20 Race 468
Chapter 21 Things to do 492
Chapter 22 8 A Personal Supreme Court 521
Chapter 23 Unprecedented 545
Epilogue Legacy 579
Acknowledgements 593
Postscript 599

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